Thursday 28 January 2016

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Making of Aragnadreams

My Bachelor movie Aragnadreams (2015) is a bodypaint stop motion project.Because it is an interesting technique I made a making of. I made this short in my studentdorm so that explains all the stuff and the nutella.

Monday 25 January 2016

Building a wooden construction at a Burn in Spain.

Some friends, Liza Cornelissen and Bram Kriekels made a design for a wooden construction to be build at nowhere 2015. They asked us to go help them to build it on the festival. It took us 5 days of work in the sun and a lot of wood and screws to put it together but it was worth it. Davee NoNo and Mayham made a beautiful chandelier out of LED and champoo bottles to make it complete. It was a challenging experience and I enjoyed meeting so many interesting people.

 So much wood!

First layers are the most difficult.

 Occasional little sand storms.

The disigners at work.

Almost Finished.

Chandelier geniuses.

Ready! time to enjoy Mayhams lightshow. He programmed the sequences himself!
Exercise for free media day. Made by Tomas Craps and I. (2015)

Bumper Bachelor

Exercise 2014. had a lot of fun with this one.